We offer a free matrimonial service at our Barking GuruKhar, which we try and keep simple and easy.
We host a list of male and females who wish to get married.
On this list we have some basic information about the individuals and an overview of some of their requirements.
If you find someone of interest then you simply make a note of the unique reference number and contact our Secretary, who manages this service. The best way to contact is via email on ssrai133@hotmail.com and gurdwarabarking@hotmail.com
You register by completing a simple form & attach recent photo.
The registration form can be downloaded here.Once we have all the mandatory information needed you will be provided a unique reference number, with this you can search for potential life partners.
Please see latest list here.When you find a potential match, you let us know the reference number of interest and we send you the contact details or you can come into to see us and request to see the picture.
You must complete all mandatory fields of the form and attach a recent portrait photo
All completed applications are to be sent to Singh Sabha London East on ssrai133@hotmail.com and gurdwarabarking@hotmail.com
Once you are registered, your details will appear on a public list, which will be displayed on the Gurdwara’s notice board, on our website and will be sent via our monthly emails. Personal details are not shared at this stage. As and when we do receive interest from any unique reference numbers sincere efforts in good faith are made to introduce interested parties. Therefore Contact details such as email address or telephone numbers are shared with any interested individuals.
It is important after finding a suitable match via this service, or via other means that you update ssrai133@hotmail.com and gurdwarabarking@hotmail.com on any progress, so that we keep our records updated.