Seven Kings Gurdwara Gym

Seven Kings Gurdwara Gym is a Sikh community based gym in the Singh Sabha London East (Ilford) Gurdwara.

Seven Kings Gurdwara Gym

The aim to too provide local youth a platform to participate in physical activities, promoting self-esteem and healthy living, as well as keeping them off the streets and ultimately to provide a facility where we can train in the sanctuary of our Guru Sahib and inspire each other to go beyond our limits !

The classes for men run on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 5.00 pm onwards. Likewise, women attend on Tuesday and Thursday.

All attendees pay £1.00 entrance fee.
In addition to the gym the following classes also take place: -

Wing Chun

A new class has been introduced every Wednesday evening at 6.30pm. Although a relatively new class it has slowly begun to gain momentum and attendees are increasing.


Every Sunday Gatka teachers Baljit Singh Walia and Pritpal Singh give up their time to teach the Sikh martial art of Gatka. Such is their level of expertise in this field they travel around the UK with the students doing various demos to show various skills and feats of strength. We are greatly appreciative of their efforts.


From Monday to Friday ladies yoga classes are run from 9.30am to 11.00am.